Sunday, January 8, 2012

Crockpot Paleo Recipes

YES PLEASE!!   Whoever the genius is that put this together is... a genius.  Whom I would like to kiss.
Check out this blog:  Paleo Crockpot Recipes

If you haven't already, you should do a little google search on Paleo for Celiacs.  Thanks to this lifestyle, I havent been to the pharmacy in 10 months!

Friday, January 6, 2012

More Brain-to-Gut Evidence

In a study of 177 women with Celiac Disease, 22% were found to have an eating disorder, or poor eating behaviors and also despite being faithful to a strict gluten free diet, 37% were found to have depression.

I am not sure if this is such astounding news or not.  If you took a study of random women who do NOT have Celiac Disease, I am sure you might find close numbers to that as well.  Don't quote me, but my guess is that with depression and anxiety being so common in the general public, especially in women, that this could be symptomatic of something else.  Don't they say eating disorders and depression can be hereditary?  Linked to other autoimmune diseases like Lyme Disease or even fibromyalgia?

Nevertheless, it's an interesting read so here's the link:
Celiac Linked to Depression & Disordered Eating